The vision is
"Make Gabon, a global destination for ecotourism in the rain-forest and
to make Libreville the Central African business center".
Gabon aims to become an important hub in central Africa. Gabonese authorities want to make a financial center for the region. This is a great ambition but the authorities often lack of discipline to follow their goals. We hope that Libreville becomes a financial center in Africa .
This is the future vision of Libreville in Gabon.
has the potential to become the leader in business tourism in Central
Africa and become the cultural showcase and the great capital of
meetings, international congresses and business
tourism, based on an
offer and an infrastructure suitable for major international events, complemented by a diversified offer of cultural tourism, discovery and leisure. For
this, it will have to develop the conference and meeting hosting
infrastructure and a wide range of accommodation with receivers of
varied standings (2, 3 and 4 stars). It
will have to develop in a significant way its cultural offer, and
propose a rich agenda of events representative of the inheritance of
Central Africa. This
agenda will take into account major trends in demand from major
tourist-sending countries (areas of interest in cultural tourism). In
this context, the cultural infrastructures will be largely developed in
particular within the framework of the International Center for Bantu
Civilizations (CICIBA), with a large multifunctional hall of shows that
can host cultural and sports events of quality and a reference craft
village. Libreville
also enjoys an environment conducive to lucrative niches of discovery
tourism of great value, to provide a fun way to post-meeting agendas. The parks near Akanda and Pongara will allow a discovery of the forest and wild animals. The
exceptional fauna populating the nearby marine pits gives Libreville
the assets to become in the short term, a major destination in the world
of sport fishing, a very attractive and lucrative tourist activity. The
development of a marina specialized for sport fishing, the acquisition
of appropriate boats, the training of competent crews are the
prerequisites for the constitution of a service offer for sport fishing.
promotion of Gabon as a sport fishing destination could be launched by
the organization of the world sport fishing championships. The
creation in Libreville of a Discovery and Leisure Center, which will
centralize the event and leisure offer, will facilitate the promotion of
the rich and varied cultural and tourist offer that will be proposed by
the city and beyond the region of the Estuary.

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