"Suali": During colonial times, Europeans came wearing new patterns of cloth, including plaid from the British Isles. This mat is a reflection of the new styles of fabric introduced by explorers, merchants, and missionaries. Suali means "Fabric" in Vili. The mat pictured here is made even more intricate by the integration of a second pattern, "Masefi".

"Ijoisimabemba": Because of the depth given by its geometric shapes, this design is called, "the nest of the pigeon".

"Masefi": The small pinwheel diamond shapes are echoed by the larger diamonds that surround them. The pinwheel diamonds are said to represent seashells, giving this design its name.

"Tchinyenjile": The diagonal bars on the sides of this mat symbolize ribs, and the four diamond shapes on either end are the eyes of a "two-headed serpent".
Les formes sudistes, qu'on trouve dans les nattes vili

"Kulemoine": The complexity of this pattern necessitates that it is woven only during daylight hours. Kulemoine literally means, "weave me during the daytime".

"Lilembe": The divergent triangles on this mat represent a disobedient child. In Vili, lilembe means "the hard-headed child"

"Bibaka": In the Vili language, this means, "the wall". It is said to symbolize the walls of a village home.

the forms Fangs are curves, triangles and hatched pattern.
Approaches of different forms in Mitsogho
The different forms of tatoux Mitsogho in a Greek cross with four equal arms (ndjaka), a cross of St. Andrew in the shape of X (Mopaaa), in a circle (ebongege), a diamond (esongo), simple vertical lines, horizontal or oblique (Benda), and women, points of relief (madonda)