Redifining Vernacular Architecture, theme of sustainability in its various forms, encompassing subjects related to migration, digital building technologies and material research, future urban developments, and housing, bringing together architects, designers, artists,
Ministère de l’Economie forestière, des Eaux et de la Pêche . Construction du Ministère :10 500 m² de bureaux, auditorium, cafétéria et bibliothèque.Libreville, Gabon. Francis MEYER Architecte D.P.L.G.Karla CHACON Architecte d'Intérieur.
The Palace, the centre-piece of the Resort and designed to reflect a Sheikhs summer residence. It is grandiose and impressive in its elegant situation - elevated to provide a magnificent - jewel in the crown - at the heart of the Resort.
Approached via a long tree-lined avenue adorned with beautifully sculpted Arabian horses - Al Qasr is a breathtaking sight - a tribute to age-old architectural styles and a stunning statement of Dubai's history. Public areas have a majesty which is both elegant and refined.